On April 1st, you turned 5 months! I'll probably say this every month for your whole life, but it's amazing to me how quickly you grow and change. You did us a huge favor this past weekend by sleeping through the night, in your crib, for the first time ever! 7:45pm - 5am! This must have been your version of an April Fool's Day joke though because you've been up several times a night ever since then.
This past month you've really discovered your feet and you now love to grab onto your toes and bring them up to your mouth. As evidenced by our usual photo session, you were so interested in your toes that I only got a couple of good pictures. Another discovery is your thumb. As opposed to sucking on your whole hand, you can now just pop your thumb in and out when you need to. It's much easier for you to soothe yourself with your thumb than with a pacifier, and it's also pretty cute. You've also gotten really good at rolling over and often when we turn our backs on you, you will have rolled over from stomach to back or back to stomach. Another favorite activity now is standing up while we hold you. I'm surprised at how strong your little legs are.
You are still a little guy, even though you feel heavier every time I lift you up. At your 5 month dr. appointment you weighed 15 lbs, 4 oz (just under 50th percentile) and you were 26 inches (right at 50th percentile). Dr. Linker said that you are perfectly healthy, but that you definitely have some pre-teething drool so we're waiting for your first tooth any day now.
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