I always knew I would breastfeed my baby. It was never even a question and I never even considered an alternative. Breastfeeding is the
healthiest choice for moms and babies and it's natural so why wouldn't I do it? As an added bonus, it's free...or so I thought. Before having Tripp I thought that my only investment would be buying a couple of nursing bras. Boy, was I wrong. Here's my current investment in breastfeeding (this does not include all the formula I'm buying to supplement):
1 lactation consultant assessment and consultation = $150
5 additional consultations and weight checks = $150
3 free consultations and weight checks = $0 (the lactation consultant really liked me and was very impressed with my determination to make it work - i love her!)
1 breastpump = $280
2 extra pump shields = $20
2 nipple shields = $10
1 hands free pumping bra = $35
1 bottle of homeopathic lactuca verosa = $12
2 bottles of MotherLove More Milk Plus herbal supplement = $85
4 bottles of MotherLove Goats Rue = $160
6 bottles of ayurvedic Shatavari herbal supplement = $90
1 unsuccessful ENT visit co-pay = $50 (I'm guessing at this amount...it was probably more)
1 successful tongue clipping procedure = $0 (again - love my lactation consultant)
1 nursing bra and 3 nursing tanks = $80
3 jars MotherLove nipple cream = $30
Total: $1,152
Free? Nope, breastfeeding has cost over $1,000 so far and I know I've forgotten to add some things to the list above. Taking all this into account, I would still make the same choice again and give breastfeeding my best effort. I also will 10000% breastfeed Tripp's future siblings as well as I can and hopefully have more success with them.