Before becoming a mom, I didn't really believe people who said that babies go through 2-3 outfit changes everyday. Then, I became a mom to a baby who spits up/drools almost constantly. I hear this is normal for babies to release all of their bodily fluids all day, everyday, but I'm still not used to it. Despite the need for so many clothing changes, I'm still determined for Tripp to be a well dressed little man. I buy him new clothes all the time (at the expense of my own, now sad, wardrobe). Luckily he's been gifted lots of nice clothing items as well. Here's the little guy modeling two of his newest acquisitions.

This new hoodie is from his GiGi and is lined in the softest, coziest material. It seriously feels like a stuffed animal on the inside, which probably accounts for his big smile. I'd smile too if I was dressed in something so cozy.

Joe picked up this "America's High Five" shirt when he took Tripp for a walk downtown last Friday. Michigan really only has two peninsulas, but here it appears to have three - two formed by glaciers and a third formed from semi-dry drool.
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