Two Saturdays ago my friend Erin, my mom, and my mother-in-law threw a very cute baby shower for JRM III and me. When Erin asked what I would like for a shower I suggested a bowtie theme since I'd seen some cute examples around the web and since Joe happens to have a passion for wearing bowties. Erin spent a lot of time with ribbons and construction paper making all sorts of bowtie decorations.

She even had several custom bowtie onesies made that were part of the decorations, but are also something that JRM III will be able to wear.

For the second time in two years, I had a bowtie cake. (My first bowtie cake was the one I ordered for Joe's groom's cake at our wedding.)
For favors, bowtie sugar cookies were given out. They were made by Erin's Chicago friend
Sari's Sweets.
I received lots of wonderful gifts including monogrammed blankets, a custom bowtie quilt that my aunt made, car seats, baby clothing, story books, baby toys, and lots of other items off of our registry. Thanks to everyone who came and to everyone who sent gifts!
I didn't know you posted this... how cute!