A friend of mine from D.C. recently welcomed her first baby boy. He's adorable so I wanted to send an equally cute baby gift. Since they didn't decide on a name until he was born I figured that he probably lacked items with his name or monogram on them. I've seen Monogram Chick mentioned on several other blogs and twitter so I decided to order something from her website. I was so happy with the results! I chose a burp cloth and bib set. It was reasonably priced and arrived in just a couple of days. I'll definetely be going back to Monogram Chick for future baby gifts.

I am in love with this
pink ombre cake. As soon as I get my kitchen put back together I'd like to try to make a version of this. How fun to cut into the white frosting and discover all different colors! This would be a wonderful cake for expectant parents to make in either pink or blue for a gender reveal party.

And speaking of gender reveal, in less than 48 hours Joe and I will know if Baby M is a boy or girl! I have resisted buying anyting baby related until we find out so the ultrasound appointment cannot come soon enough in my opinion. My hair colorist told me that while I wait to find out I should look up chinese gender calendars. I don't put much stock in these, but they are kind of fun to look at. Here's one example from

And on a final baby related note for today, I'm in love with the blog
Lay Baby Lay. She has so many creative nursery inspiration boards.
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